Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Running the Buffet" - a Philosophy

A buffet is many things to many people.  To me, it's a chance to learn more about what I like and what I don't like.  To experiment, to make new combinations and enjoy new flavors.  It affords you the flexibility to taste many things without being tied down to an entree.  Or, for a meal buffet, it gives you the chance to proportion your plate in a way the kitchen never would.  You want all starches? You got it.

But I see far too many people miss their chance to "run the buffet."  I take this term loosely from "run your plate" in the 1986 movie Fatso.  For me, "running the buffet" means "getting the ideal quantity and quality for my dining experience out of the options presented."

It involves a little bit of planning, and a little foresight, and also knowing what your tastes are, but it's always, ALWAYS worth it.  You never want to feel like "I could have played that buffet better.  I loaded up on the potatoes and missed out on the pasta."  Or, "breakfast was good, but this is a brunch, and I totally overate without regard for the chance of lunch as a second course."

There are many ways to plan a plate, and many ways to run the buffet.  This blog is a forum for yours and mine.  I'd like to learn more...

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