Sunday, April 20, 2008

2-hour buffet

I heard of the 2-hour buffet for the first time this weekend.  Apparently, these are places where you plop down a few bucks and get unlimited drinks and food for 2 hours.

I need to find one.  I need to test these theories.  I need to learn how to "run the buffet" at the 2-hour buffet.

If you've heard of one, or know where to find one, please comment!  I will "research" and report my findings... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rule number 1: know your location!

time pressure raises the stakes, and it's a whole different ballgame. all kinds of data are needed for optimal planning. throw the first game, use it for research; 2nd time out, it's on.

i got suckered into going into a 2-hr buffet in tokyo called "Sweets Paradise". the specialty: dessert. and not like, good dessert. very mildly-flavored japanese sweets. oh, there was hot food: curry and rice, and...oh yeah, that's it. cold spaghetti, pretzels, fish (which i have a reaction to, not necessarily allergic)... all in all, i got owned. stuck to curry rice, and pretzels. it's actually a great money-making scheme: built to prey on women and the unfortunate men they take with them. i wish i'd thought of it.

this was a waste of my time. but, the time can be used wisely, if you go in with a plan. random sampling, friend's suggestions, make contacts with the staff... make the most of your time, and then come back with a vengeance, like bruce willis...well, the first time anyway.