A few things to consider with the Backyard Buffet:
- Corn on the cob takes up a lot of room on the plate, plan accordingly. Don't accidentally come across the corn at the end and, not having any room, plop it on top of everything else. That's a bush league move.
- If you're going to dress your burger, leave ample space on the plate to keep the bun open as you walk your plate through the line. I'd recommend going meat first in this case (unlike most other buffets), because you can open the bun, dress everything, close it, and THEN hit the rest of the buffet.
- Mixing hot and cold dishes on the same plate is up to you, but remember, it's a buffet... time is on your side.
- Speaking of time, be sure you know what's going on with the grill. You don't have to hover, but if a different course/meat is coming out later, a simple question keeps you from peaking too soon (see "The Butlered Buffet") on hot dogs, when sausages are coming in the next wave.
Two pieces of etiquette to consider:
- Don't insult the chef. If you don't like a particular marinade or dish, eat it. Most guys, especially, pick this one particular time of the year to care about cooking, so encourage your fellow man, don't tell him "You should taste myyyy buffalo wings! Those are reeeeally spicy!" What you'll get in return is something like "You should leave myyyy house, before I kick yooour butt!"
- BUS YOUR PLATE and cup. Nothing annoys your host more than leaving your plate wherever you were sitting when you decided to jump into the frisbee game.
Finally, I'd encourage you to mix it up with the buffet. You have a chance to try new things, new combinations, new plates. Take flavors you like from your friends and try to build on them yourself.